I've studied the anatomy and physiology of the skin and know how fragile this delicate organ is (yes the skin is an organ...the largest one at that)! I digress, while I am proud of you who take the time to exfoliate, I want to make you aware of how the gritty composition of this scrub could induce more problems as oppose to preventing them. The secret to purchasing an exfoliant, in scrub form, is to make sure that the texture is not abrasive. Many people are under the impression that the coarser the scrub the deeper or better the exfoliation. The problem is that while you may be removing dead skin cells, you may also be creating micro tears on the skin, which makes you more susceptible to breakout. You have now left the skin open to free radicals, bacteria, or anything else that can induce or agitate the bacteria that causes acne.
So when you begin shopping for your exfoliant, make sure it has a fine almost undetectable consistency to touch. Like myself, you could opt for a masque like exfoliant which sits on the face for a period of time and then removed. Ready to start shopping for a new product or will you remain loyal to old faithful?
I heard about the negatives from so
meone else and immediately stopped using it.
I'm glad to hear someone second my emotion. I tell all of my friends, family, clients...I don't know who started the craze!