Become the CEO of the business of YOU!

posted by herSKINe Beauty


Ursula Burns, president of Xerox Corp., will become the company's CEO this summer.
(image courtesy of NY Daily News)  Urslua Burns, first Black female CEO of a fortune 500 company)

So, 2010 was definitely a year of major changes for me.  Just in case some of you don't already know, I moved back to NY in hopes of getting herSKINe (my skin care line) up and running.  Believe me it has been challenging and at times discouraging.  However, I am avidly passionate about my company and our mission so there's no turning back.

On my quest to becoming a "big boss" I realized how much more introspective I had become.  I spent the last 2 years in reflection and learning how to connecting with ME.  As a young adult I sought out happiness the wrong way... through people and things.  Not knowing what it meant to have that inner joy and being completely at peace with who I was always left me in a space of discernment.  However, I am pleased to say that I am on the right path.  I am at peace with my inner circle, my surroundings are uplifting, my heart is open and ready, my spiritual journey takes precedence,  and my mind is forward focused.  So what was the problem before you ask?  You see... I had not been the CEO of me.

For many having beautiful skin, flawless makeup, the latest threads, a certain level of success, and pushing the flyest whip makes them LOOK good, but when stripped of these mundane badges of status how did they truly FEEL/THINK about themselves?  Do they use the aforementioned to define who they are?  Are these things band aids to cover up their "behind the scene" story?  That was me and I'm not ashamed to say it!  Don't get it twisted, I still like to look good, but I've learned that when you feel good you have this glow that you can't buy in a bottle and can't be found in MAC lipglass!

I just wanted to share with you all an article I came across yesterday while doing some research for my business.  I think it is pertinent that we all become what I like to call "architects" of our lives.  I encourage you to read the article posted below and let me know what you think by leaving a comment.   You may not experience a massive epiphany after reading, but it's a nice reminder that you are in control of YOU and YOUR HAPPINESS!  

It's a short read I promise....Enjoy!